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Verifying Cloud Scheduler requests in Google Cloud Run with TypeScript

Part of the new system that I'm building for the V2 rewrite of Kaomoji.moe needs to be able to run a task on some kind of schedule. This is a perfect job for Cloud Scheduler but the documentation to do this in an authenticated way is either too dense for me to understand or doesn't have enough examples to follow.


I have a Cloud Run service that exposes an API endpoint which will do some work that produces a .json file and then uploads that file to a storage bucket. I don't want this work to be run on every invocation of another endpoint, doing this will likely add a lot of latency to requests which usually ends up being really bad for Slack apps. This endpoint also shouldn't be called by any old client or user, so I need to make sure that only Cloud Scheduler is authorised to call the endpoint.

For this I need Cloud Scheduler to add some kind of token to every request, and my API endpoint to verify that this token is legitimate. This validation process has been documented quite extensively by Google themselves yet they provide little in the way of examples.

1. Create a Cloud Scheduler job

At this point I'll assume that you have a Cloud Run service running and a working endpoint that you can call. First, we need to create the job in Cloud Scheduler. Fill in or select the following options:

  1. select the HTTP target
  2. select Add OIDC token auth header (typically shown under "Show more")
  3. add a service account that has the role Cloud Run Invoker
  4. add an audience that matches the URL the job will invoke.
Creating a job

2. Verify the request

Aside from making the request to your endpoint, Cloud Scheduler will add a few headers that we need to pay attention to:

  1. an authorisation header containing a typical Bearer Token
  2. a user-agent header with the value Google-Cloud-Scheduler
  3. a x-cloudscheduler header with a boolean value

Bearer Token

First it's probably a good idea to verify the token. Unfortunately we'll need to do a little manual work to sign and verify it. I'll be borrowing heavily from the fantastic node-jsonwebtoken, and node-jwks-rsa libraries of course.

npm install --save jsonwebtoken jwks-rsa

It's a little heavy on the boilerplate code here but I've documented it as best I can. All of the following should be somewhere either the endpoint itself or some middleware for the endpoint.

import jwksClient from 'jwks-rsa'
import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken'

/** This is all the data that Cloud Scheduler will insert into the OIDC token */
interface GoogleOIDCToken {
  aud: string
  azp: string
  email: string
  email_verified: boolean
  exp: number
  iat: number
  iss: string
  sub: string

 * The jwksUri contains all the keys needed to sign the incoming JWT. This URL
 * is documented here:
 * https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/openid-connect#discovery
const client = jwksClient({
  jwksUri: 'https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/certs'

 * This function is used by `jwt.verify` to retrieve signing keys.
 * The type definitions for these arguments are _not_ exposed by `jwks-rsa`.
 * Make sure to check the definition of the `jwt.verify` method for more
 * information.
function getKey(header: any, callback: any): void {
  client.getSigningKey(header.kid, (err: Error, key: any) => {
    if (err !== null) return callback(err)
    const signingKey = key.publicKey ?? key.rsaPublicKey
    callback(null, signingKey)

 * Using the jwksClient, verify the token against the key set. The promise here
 * is not required, but provides a nicer API to work with at the callsite.
async function verifyToken(token: string): Promise<GoogleOIDCToken> {
  return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // Notice here we're using the `getKey` function defined above
    jwt.verify(token, getKey, (err, decoded) => {
      if (err !== null) return reject(err)
      return resolve(decoded as GoogleOIDCToken)

Next you can call the verifyToken() function within a try/catch block. If the token is invalid the function will throw and you can handle the error case in whatever way your server requires.

We'll also want to verify that the iss and aud (issuer and audience respectively) match what we expect from Cloud Scheduler. The issuer should be https://accounts.google.com and the audience should be the value you supplied during the creation of the job (I use the endpoint the job is calling).

All together this might look something like:

try {
  // ...snip... header validation

  const token = await verifyToken(req.headers.authorization.split(' ')[1])

  if (token.iss !== 'https://accounts.google.com') {
    return res.status(403).send('Invalid issuer')

  if (token.aud !== `https://${req.headers.host}/some/endpoint`) {
    return res.status(403).send('Invalid audience')
} catch (error) {
  return res.status(403).send('Invalid OIDC token')


To finish up with something easy, we can still verify a few more things in the request before continuing with the business logic of the endpoint.

  1. user-agent
  2. x-cloudscheduler

Throw these checks in before attempting verifying the token:

if (req.headers.authorization === undefined) {
  return res.status(403).send('Missing authorization header')

if (req.headers['user-agent'] !== 'Google-Cloud-Scheduler') {
  return res.status(403).send('Invalid user agent')

if (req.headers['x-cloudscheduler'] !== 'true') {
  return res.status(403).send('Missing header')

3. Profit

This flow certainly feels like it could've been documented in a simpler way by the team at Google but at the same time it's likely to be quite an early time for establishing architecture patterns for Cloud Scheduler to Cloud Run flows.

Bonus ramblings

The rewrite of Kaomoji.moe has been a long time coming, it's currently costing me about $12AUD/mo to run which isn't that much but I feel like it isn't worth that much to run such a simple service. Part of the high cost is thanks to the COVID-19 crisis making the aussie dollar tank in value (pre-COVID was around $10-11AUD/mo), but mostly it's due to being run on a single always-on EC2 t2.micro instance in AWS.

The idea is to rewrite it completely (while adding more features) to make use of Cloud Run's low running costs and the arguably far nicer APIs in the @google-cloud/* node modules. "But Cloud Run is 'serverless', what about cold starts?" I hear you ask. Well yeah, it's still a problem that adds too much latency for the Slack API to cope with but the project has grown quite a bit since I originally launched it that I imagine there will be enough users to avoid this cold start issue 🤞.

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